My Past Life as a Beggar Boy

One of my previous lives was spent as an impoverished beggar boy. Through 深层沟通 (Consciousness-Only Deep Communication therapy), I managed to understand what 缘分(or affinity) really means. Allow me to bring you back to the past…


A cute little boy comes into sight. He is approximately seven years old and an orphan.

Image used with permission, for illustrative purposes

In order to survive, he has to rummage through the rubbish bins looking for food. Sometimes, he will also wait near the restaurants and inns, hoping that he can get his hands on the leftover food.  He never blames anyone for the plight that he is in although deep within, he is still hoping for a miracle to happen.

[At an inn]

“What are you doing?! You little thief! How dare you!” bellowed the innkeeper, grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt which resembled rags more than clothing.

“N-no, I am not a thief”, explained the boy, shivering with fear.

“Yes, you are! I have seen you stealing food. Don’t tell me that my eyes are playing tricks on me. You are just a smelly, filthy thief!” exclaimed the innkeeper.

” Men, come here! Grab this boy who has the audacity to steal at my inn! Beat him to death!” the innkeeper called out to his men.

“No, I am innocent. P-please… let me… go. I am not a thief!” The little boy pleaded as the muscular waiters, at least 3 times taller than him, grabbed at his arms.

Suddenly, a young gentleman appears and, in a stern voice, demanded the release of the boy.

“Who are you to meddle in my business?! Do you know who I am?” The inn-keeper, with his nostrils flaring in indignation, glared at the young man.

“I do not care who you are. You do not have the permission to take the law in your own hands. Let the little boy go!” the young man told the inn-keeper.

“I can let him go if you are willing to pay for my loss. Give me 100 taels of silver and I will let him go,” the greedy inn-keeper answered.

“I will give you the 100 taels of silver. Let him go.”

Thus, the little boy was saved from certain death by the generosity and chivalry of the young man.

Still trembling in fear, the little boy was in such a state of shock that only after a moment or two did he realize that he had been saved. With tears welling up in his eyes,  he thanked the young man for saving his life.

Although the little boy did not ask for the young man’s name, his hero’s face would forever be etched in his memory.


It suddenly dawned on me that I am the little boy and the young man is none other than G, a fellow university schoolmate.

I got to know G when I was a volunteer during the university orientation programme. At that time, I was attracted to his friendly and warm disposition. I ended up carrying a torch for him for many years.

Initially, I could not understand why I was attracted to G from the first moment I saw him on campus. I thought it was love at first sight. After the “communication therapy session”, I realized that it was because I had known him and benefited from his generous assistance a long time ago! Such is affinity, or what the Chinese call ‘缘分’.


There is a popular Chinese saying which goes “十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠”. This literally means that “it takes a decade of cultivation for two people to ride on the same boat and it takes a lifetime of cultivation for two people to share the same pillow. Nothing happens by chance, and the people who come into your life are there for a reason.

If it really takes so many years of “cultivation” to become a couple or someone’s family member, shouldn’t we be cherishing the relationships we have with our loved ones? This is especially so if we do not wish to live our life with regrets when our loved ones have either passed away or left us.

If you are wondering, I have lost touch with G. He did not know, upon meeting me, that I was the boy he had saved in the past. As the 深层沟通 (Consciousness-Only Deep Communication) therapy is not widely available now, and is privileged knowledge to only a few people, like me, G had no idea then that we had once been acquainted.

I am counting on our ‘affinity’, that one day, our paths will cross again.

My Past Life As A Fairy, Without A Fairytale Ending

Have you heard people talking about their “past lives” before? Well, I have recently discovered mine. All I ask is that you suspend all disbelief for now, and hear me out. This is my story…

Through a form of therapy known as  深层沟通 (Consciousness-Only Deep Communication therapy), I found out that I was once a fairy in one of my past lives.


I am transported back to the past and I see a lady with such ethereal beauty that it almost takes my breath away.

Her porcelain complexion and rosy cheeks make her look so flawless, so unreal. She has such sparkling eyes and that air of gracefulness and elegance is unparalleled and like nothing you and I have ever seen before.

Although I cannot tell which dynasty she is from, the dress she is wearing is evidently nothing like our modern clothing. She is clothed from head to toe in airy, billowing silks not unlike what you would see in period dramas.

fairy photo


When the communication guide (the therapist) asks me about the surroundings, I can sense that it is a mystical sight with many clouds drifting by.



That beautiful lady is floating on one of the clouds and she seems to be in high spirits. There are other ladies with her and they behave as though they have something up their sleeves. Suddenly, they disappear through a hole in the clouds and re-appear in a bustling town.

And oh, what a lively street it is! There are stalls selling all kinds of handicrafts, intricately decorated hair pins and even sticks of sugar coated hawthorns (冰糖葫芦) which glisten temptingly under the sunlight.

bing tang

Everyone is either shopping or chatting, and the hustle and bustle within this town is in stark contrast to a moment ago when it was all peace and serenity above the clouds.

All the beautiful ladies are enjoying themselves as they explore this busy town.


That first beautiful lady strays from the group and suddenly finds herself lost in the crowd of people. The only good thing that comes from this is her meeting with a young man.

Miraculously, they fall in love and the beautiful lady stays on with the young man in this bustling town after the marriage.

It is almost a fairy tale with a happily ever after ending but it was not meant to be.

[A few years later, after their marriage]

Although they live a blissful life after their marriage, the beautiful lady know that eventually, the heavenly guards will come for her. And true enough, on this fateful day, the heavenly guards appear and seize the fairy.

She is devastated as she has to leave her husband and her young daughter behind on this mortal land.

If only she does not live in heaven! If only she is not a fairy! If only a fairy is allowed to fall in love with a human!

She keeps on mumbling to herself and she cannot fight back her tears. Her heart is shattered. She knows that she has to face the consequences of this forbidden love — She will never be able to see her husband and young daughter again.

Back in the palace of heaven, the guardian brought her before the Jade Emperor and she awaits the trial. Eventually, they burn her with fire before banishing her to Earth as a punishment for having fallen in love with a human being.


The communication guide asks me what I have learnt from this session and how it relates to my current life. It may sound absurd but I instinctively know (to be the truth) that the beautiful fairy is actually me, or rather me in one of my previous lives. I can sense her thoughts and her emotions of joy and sadness. It is déjà vu on a whole new level.

I now understand why I like feminine stuff (like female magazines, fashion, beauty products, etc) and why I have become a lifestyle and beauty blogger.

As a fairy previously, I was really good at weaving cloth. Although I cannot really sew in this current life, I do still like to read magazines for style and fashion inspiration. Perhaps, this is what I still have in common with that fairy.

This deep communication therapy really provides me an opportunity to understand and get to know myself better.

The Threecoder Machine and How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams

Why do some people always seem to be the lucky ones – with the perfect house, the perfect husband, the perfect job, and nothing ever seems to faze them? How can we be like these “lucky” folks?

How do we go about attracting the positive things in life? According to the Law of Attraction, the way to do it is to have positive thoughts.

Most of the time, our minds are on “auto pilot” mode and we are unable to control our emotions whenever we encounter unpleasant things. That is, unless you are an optimistic person by nature or have practised meditation before.

What if there is a machine which can tell you the status of your thoughts? The type of energy or frequency you are transmitting to the universe? Or even recommending you the appropriate healing method?

What I am sharing with you right now is regarding my experience of the  <<心灵波动仪>> Threecoder machine .

The machine_edited

What this machine does is to measure the energy or frequency that I transmit out to the universe.


[The measurement process]

Before starting the session, the therapist explains to me that she will leave the room once the Threecoder system is activated to measure my frequency. This is to ensure that the machine will capture my energy accurately without any interference.

The therapist then instructs me to put on the earphones and the process begins.

I am testing with the machine

During the “measurement procedure”, I can hear various sequential beeping sounds which are like heartbeats. After about 15 minutes, the beeping sounds finally stop and the therapist will enter the room.

[The energy levels detected]

The therapist explains to me what energy levels were detected in my body. These will be represented by stars of different colors in the following positive-neutral-negative sequence: light blue, yellow, green, dark blue and red.

Based on the metaphysics theory, each part of  the organ is actually connected to certain aspects of our lives. For example, the heart is connected to love while the spine is connected to the burden and stress in one’s life.

Lately, I have been complaining about the muscle tensions around my shoulders. True enough, the machine does show that there are numerous red stars at this area. And, I admit I do have a lot of burdens in my life.

This next picture depicts the energy level of my liver:

snap shot of my liver

The liver is believed to be linked to the emotions of anger and resentment. From the photo, you can see that I still have a bit of hidden resentment (represented by the red stars) within me.

[Analysis and the recommended healing remedies]

The report will provide some insights and remedies for enhancing the positive energy and transforming the negative energy into positive energy. The analysis report is very detailed; almost 3 pages long, and only in Chinese.  Here are some of the main recommendations in my report.

Note: the analysis costs S$250 and I am sharing these recommendations as I believe they will be very helpful in your life too.



Repent & Forgiveness

1. 一直重複這句話 我在恐懼什麼 重複說出三十遍以上 並回答自己

[Translation: I have to ask myself 30 times what I am afraid of & provide an answer to this question]

After repeating the question 30 times, I realized that I have been afraid of failures & rejections.

This remedy is particularly useful for people who are not aware of what they afraid of at the present moment.

I used to be a timid person and get frightened whenever I need to talk to strangers. I have since become braver after becoming a blogger. I have realized that it is not that hard to summon up the courage to venture out of my comfort zone.

2. 每天面對鏡子看著自己的身體說 我好愛好愛我自己 三十遍以上

[Translation: I have to stare into the mirror, look at my body and say that I really love myself, repeating this for more than 30 times daily.]

This is definitely a healing method for people with low self-esteem.

In the past, I cannot help but envy people with good looks. This is because I was a bit over-weight then. I personally have tried this healing remedy and it does help! Now, I can walk along the streets with more confidence because I am more comfortable in my own skin and have accepted who I really am.



Positive words

3. 好运到

[Translation: Good Luck is coming!]

Transform my negative thoughts to positive ones. According to Newton’s 2nd law of motion, when there is an action, there is a similar reaction. If I think that good luck is coming my way, chances are that I will be more proactive and optimistic about the future.

4. 乐观


It is important to maintain a positive attitude towards life. When I do that, I no longer dwell in unhappiness when unpleasant things happen to me. I will calm down and accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Therefore, I will not be affected by the negative emotions but I will certainly ask myself what I have learnt from this situation.



Collective consciousness of humanity

5. 去觉察每個當下

[Translation:To observe every moment in life]

It is very important for me to live in the present moment. I should not cling on to the past as it will not enable me to move forward. What I can do is to focus on my present moment and not be affected by emotions of the past.




6. 失敗为成功之母

[Translation: Failure is the mother of success]

This proverb has been affecting me tremendously. My mum used to tell me this proverb since I am young. Since this was taught by her, I accepted it as fact. But I fail to realize its serious consequence. If I believe that this proverb is true, I will have created many failures for myself before I can achieve any goal.

7. 不知所措

[Translation:At a loss]

I tend not to know how to react to certain situations. When I was young, I used to be bullied by my fellow classmates. They would humiliate me publicly by calling me nicknames like “witch” and “pig”. If I had stood up for myself, perhaps my life will turn out to be different.

Now, I know about this weakness of mine and I am learning to be more decisive.



Music Therapy

8. 頌缽和鼓乐

[Translation:Singing bowl and strains of music accompanied by drumbeats]

Music has healing properties. And, these are the 2 types of music which can heal my heart.

The Therapist and IMy therapist


There are many remedies and therapies for people who wish to heal their heart. With the support of your family and friends, you can have the courage and positive attitude to deal with those negative emotions. Be courageous and never try to run away from problems, but face them head-on instead.

All of us have a choice to make regarding the type of life that we want to lead right now. I hope the 8 recommendations above will be of use to you.

Why I create this blog

I used to think that I am an unfortunate person living in the small island of Singapore. But, I fail to appreciate the fact that I am fortunate in a lot of ways.

Firstly, my parents did not cane me when I was younger. Secondly, I have a proper education till university. Thirdly, I still have a shelter over my head. Fourthly,  I need not have to work part time when I was in school and the list go on………

Nowadays, I do feel that I am a blessed person. Once I have transformed negative thinking into positive ones, I start to appreciate the goodness of life. I tend to look forward to things in life. Trust me, every day is like a brand new day with exciting discoveries.

Be Happy_001

That is why I start this blog as I will like to share my life experiences, particularly how I change from a pessimistic person to a positive person. Notice that I have not used the word optimistic as I am still not there yet. But, I no longer live in the past, dwelling on the unhappiness and refusing to let it do. Once I don’t do that, I realize that I can live my life in a happier manner.

By reading the articles in this blog, I hope that you will be able to heal your heart and adopt a positive attitude towards life.

I shall end this article with a short story:

While going to meet a friend at the passageway of Somerset mrt, I suddenly hear a loud sound!

I am passing by Sommerset MRT when I heard a loud sound
I am passing by Sommerset MRT when I heard a loud sound

And, it turns out to a mineral bottle with ¾ full of water, just laying a step away from me. It seems that a lady has accidentally dropped this item on the floor. The impact is quite strong and I cannot imagine the scenario if the mineral bottle happens to hit my foot. I surely end up in hospital with a bandage. I really miss it by a step and I feel so lucky and blessed.

Lastly, do try to change your thoughts if you are a negative person and you will start to appreciate the things in your life. Once you have done that, you will find that the energy or rather the frequency around you will change for the better. With positive thoughts, you will be able to attract the good things in life since what goes around comes around.